Sunday, October 12, 2008


Several items:

1. Exam scores have been posted

I have re-scored the exams according to our class discussion and then added 6 points to your exam to move the curve up. The score posted is the adjusted score. I cannot discuss scores via email or telephone so if you want to look over your score or discuss what you missed, please set up an appointment with me for after class on Thursday.

2. Syllabus Signature Page

A reminder that if you do not sign and turn in the back page of the syllabus you will receive an "I" for the class. I do not have a lot of signature pages yet. You can check WebCT and see if I have you marked as turning it in. If you have not turned in or have turned it in and I don't have you marked, please bring it to class as soon as possible or see me and I will print a new one for you to sign.

3. In-Class Exercises

Also a reminder, 100 points of your grade is based upon the best 5 out of 6 in-class exercises. We've only had one to date, so we will have 5 in the next 7 meetings. That means you should be attending class regularly. I may do two exercises in one week, so you will not want to miss any class time for the rest of the semester if you can help it.

4. WebCT Access

I have cleared up all WebCT issues on my side. If you are still having problems getting into this class on the OLD WebCT, please let me know via e-mail. I have contact information that I can send you for technical support.

See you in class soon!

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