Monday, March 7, 2011

What a Day--Stigma is alive and well

I wrote a little blog entry on Psychology Today yesterday and today all hell broke lose and I spent the day being attacked on a number of personal levels, including threats to my job at CSN.

As a description of the blog I wrote:

Judging character, work ethic, health or worth on the basis of how somone looks is ALWAYS prejudice. No one should be treated as "less than human" because of their body size.FATISM is a matter of cultural stigma. This blog is about cultural and social issues, not a health debate.

Talk about a prophecy. First controversy and the judgements about my character, my work ethic, my health and my worth were all over the place.

I think the thing that interests me most as a sociologist is that I was considered "obsessed" because I have written about this. These persons were defending themselves on the basis of credentials and a body of work, but as a stigmatized person I was considered "biased," "obsessed" and "deaf to other points of view" because I, too, had a body of work.

I have never seen a more beautiful example of what Goffman meant by spoiled identity. If I wrote and researched the topic, I am obsessed. If I am uniformed and unwilling to change, I am ignorant and need help. My body was code for "stupid," "unhealthy," "lazy," and "incompetent." It makes me wonder what they would have used if I had been thin.

I have written in other places about my reluctance to be a "professional fat person." Today was a reminder of both why I became one and why I hate it.

It remains my hope, however, that having become one, I can use the example of fat stigma to end all stigma. Stigma is a horrible cultural practice and one that hurts both individuals and society.


ChassieSelouane said...

You are so right- Fatism is alive and well out there- It is difficult being a Big girl in society- But especially in the professional world. Thank you for writing this. More people need to address it.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had to go through that. =0( I literally had to as well yesterday after I objected to people making a mockery out of the spokesperson for the 'Heart Attack Grill' died from the flu. Its hard when people attack you like that.

Just know that your awesome!