Sunday, November 16, 2008

Soc 205 -- Stigma Papers Resources

In addition to the books on reserve at the library, here's some books on google that might help with your papers:

The Social Psychology of Stigma

Stigma and Group Inequality

Contesting Stereotypes and Creating Identities

Note that these have individual articles in them. You will want to cite the article, not the whole book.

There have been some questons regarding the papers versus the group project.

The paper is a straight term paper. I want you to form a thesis regarding how stigma works and support that thesis with at least three supporting arguments. Be sure to summarize at the end of the paper, explicitly stating again your thesis and your supporting arguments.

The project can be as creative as you like. You bring to your group your understanding of what stigma is and how it works. Solutions are a direct result of how we state the problem. So your group project should reflect a specific point-of-view on stigma (or several points-of-view, since this is a group project).

Be sure to be in class on Monday. Your groups will have some class time to meet and keep working on your project.

See you then!

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